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My First Publisher’s Weekly Review!

I’d always dreamed about getting reviewed in Publisher’s Weekly. But when my friend Andrea Katz from Great Thoughts, Great Readers texted to tell me that my dream had actually come to fruition… Well, I kind of panicked. Because, the truth of the matter is that, while trade reviews are awesome, they are also honest. And I have seen some doozies in my day. Fortunately, Andrea sent me the review with the words “pitch perfect.” So I opened my eyes and read. And now I’m so excited to share Publisher’s Weekly‘s kind words with you!

Publisher’s Weekly Review

Feels Like Falling Kristy Woodson Harvey. Gallery, $16 trade paper (400p) ISBN 978-1-9821-1770-2https://www.publishersweekly.com/978-1-9821-1770-2Harvey (The Southern Side of Paradise) serves up a tale of disaster-turned serendipity in the fictional Cape Carolina, N.C. Successful businesswoman Gray Howard begrudgingly promotes her husband to CFO of her marketing company, ClickMarket, only for him to leave her for the assistant she hired for him. Reeling from a painful, cash-draining divorce, she inadvertently causes Diana, a photo developer at a pharmacy, to lose her job by complaining about her work. After learning this, Gray hires Diana to work as a housekeeper. Over time, the women vent about their lives and forge a friendship that heals them both. The story alternates between Gray’s voice and Diana’s, delving into Diana’s past heartaches and lost hope for having a child. In pitch-perfect tones, Harvey creates two Southern women doing their best to deal with everything life throws at them, and her able plotting will keep readers turning the pages. Secondary characters—Gray’s witty assistant, Trey; her new, younger boyfriend, Andrew; and Diana’s fiercely loyal friend group—add charm. Harvey’s optimistic tale just might convince readers that bouncing back can actually land a person in a better place than where they started. Agent: Elisabeth Weed, the Book Group. (Apr.)

I’m in NYC this week doing the final round of meetings before Feels Like Falling‘s release on April 28. Follow along with my adventures on Instagram!

I am so grateful to the one, the only, Mary Kay Andrews for choosing Feels Like Falling to be a part of her reading challenge! if you aren’t following along with the MKA Challenge, check it out on Instagram.

If you haven’t preordered Feels Like Falling yet, what are you waiting for? It releases April 28, 2020. But time flies when you’re having fun–and reading good books!

Preorders Available From:

Signed Preorders Available From:

I’m heading to NYC today for my last meeting at Simon & Schuster before the launch of Feels Like Falling–and my first appearance on NY Live! If you’re in the area, tune in on February 13 to check out the best ways to “Spruce Your Space for Spring!”

Then it’s on to The Savannah Book Festival. I’m speaking on Saturday morning, February 15, at 10:15 am at the First Baptist Church. I’ll be in the author’s tent immediately after signing books. If you’re in the area, I hope to see you there!

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