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John Hart at Author’s Symposium


I’m in Salisbury for a few days visiting my family before heading to Charleston, SC for a fun writer’s conference. Yay! I went to this same conference last year, but I don’t think I could yet bring myself to call myself a “writer” — even though I wrote all the time for plenty of publications. It wasn’t until after I actually got my book deal that I could say, out loud, that I was a writer

I found out yesterday that one of my favorite writers, John Hart, was the exact same way. One of the reasons I came home was to attend the Brady Author’s Symposium at Catawba College, which, yesterday, brought fellow former Salisburian, John Hart, home again. With four NYT Bestsellers and a fifth on the way, all I can say is that I hope being from Salisbury and not being able to call ourselves “writers” until we had actual book deals isn’t all we have in common…

I was totally wowed to know that Hart had a fifth book finished, but he scrapped it and ended up rewriting it from a totally different perspective. A woman’s perspective, that is. This is his first go at the female perspective and should make for quite the triumphant return after a five-year hiatus. I, for one, can’t wait to see what this talented author, whose plots completely wow me, (and every one else, including the distinguished Edgar Award committee, who awarded him its highest honor two years in a row for the first time in history!) take on a new challenge.

I somehow haven’t read The Last Child, Hart’s third bestseller, so I’ll be taking my new signed copy to Charleston with me. Double writing inspiration while I’m trying to finish up the edits for my new manuscript. I asked Hart if it ever got easier, if the nerves of whether they’d like the next one ever went away. He said not so far… But, in life, as in literature, sometimes the not knowing can be one of the very best parts.

P.S. The fabulous Jennifer Tropea O’Regan is giving away two advance copies of DEAR CAROLINA on her Facebook page! Yay!


  • Kristy,
    How fun to hear from a fellow writer that has a few more books under his belt that he still experiences ‘the nerves’. It always helps to have company in these kinds of things, right? 🙂

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    • 🙂 Thanks, Patty! I so hope all is well with you. Seeing you name brightened by day, and I hope that means you’re feeling better!

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