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Do it!

It’s almost February, and, if you’re like me, the glow of the whole “New Year’s Resolution” thing is starting to wear off. Real life comes back, you get off schedule, things happen… And with a little more than two months before Lies and Other Acts of Love releases, my to-do list is looking a little daunting! (But I am SO EXCITED!) 

Sometimes I get a little too caught up in the planning of it all, in the how I’m going to do it, the putting it on the list. So, I’m taking a page from Amelia Earhart this week, and just doing it! If I can just accomplish something right then and never even have to put it on the list, then that’s a big win. 

I’m tackling all those things that roll around in my head at night. You know the ones, those things you keep putting off until tomorrow? I’m going to to all of those things this week. Well, I mean, most of them. Join me, won’t you? 

Speaking of: One thing I’m tackling is cleaning out my book closet! I found a hidden box of advance copies of Dear Carolina just sitting there, all forlorn. This week, I’m getting rid of those things! They need to be read! If you haven’t read Dear Carolina yet, pre-order Lies and Other Acts of Love, and I’ll send you an advance of Dear Carolina! (It has a plain orange cover but it reads the same!) Just email me a pic of your receipt to kristy @ kristy woodsonharvey.com

  • Dear Kristy
    Just take one day at a time and you will arrive refreshed and caught up! You have a wonderful year and future ahead. Take a minute to take a breath. Try to stop and remember all that is going on around you….

    • Thanks, my dear! I am trying to savor it. I’m having the best time 🙂 xo

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